Agents, our fifth mission is to uncover the truth and unleash the power of happiness.
For many years, Agents, fields of science such as psychology, sociology, and medicine primarily focused on the study and treatment of pathologies, a scientific word that means the study of the causes and effects of disease, illness, and disorder. You are probably familiar with quite a few disorders, such as depression, chronic anxiety, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia.
Over time, however, people realized that you cannot solely focus on disease to understand what it truly means to be healthy and well. Thisis because being healthy is not simply the absence of disease, but thePRESENCE of other, vital qualities of life that lead to good health and to happiness.
And Agents, don’t you think these vital qualities of life equally deserve to be studied and understood? Many psychologists and sociologists thought so, too. As a result, a new branch of psychology called positive psychology was born!
Positive psychology believes that if we can study and treat illness, we can study and PROMOTE wellness. And, by promoting wellness, we can prevent illness to reduce it from happening, while being better equipped to help those who do get sick heal and recover!
It makes sense, doesn’t it? And it's safe to say that all members of the Human Family prefer happiness over suffering for themselves and their loved ones, which makes understanding and promoting happiness incredibly important!
So, let’s reveal some of what positive psychology has found so far, and what it can teach us about happiness.
In the following video, Agents Oprah Winfrey and Louie Schwartzberg will guide us through the mystery and science behind happiness.
Champions of Compassions
Tune into the Global Unity Telesummit hosted by the Shift Network for the fifth day of the 11 Days of Global Unity!
Today’s Telesummit features Ocean Robbins around the fifth theme, Health!
Register to join in on the Telesummit for free here!
Tomorrow’s Telesummit features speaker Aji Piper and Rachel Marco-Havens around the theme of Children & Youth!
Today marks Day 5 of the Compassion Relay!
Team Gratitude Revealed with Oprah Winfrey and Louie Schwartzbeg has received the Compassion Torch from the Greater Good Science Center! Gratitude Revealed has been bringing us the power, science, and mystery behind gratitude with Louie Schwartzberg's remarkable time-lapse photography and gifts for storytelling.
Find out more about the beautiful work of Louie Schwartzberg and Gratitude Revealed here!
UN's Sustainable Development Goal:
Good Health and Well-Being
The Sustainable Development Goals make a bold commitment to end the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and other communicable diseases by 2030. The deaths of millions can be avoided through prevention and treatment, education, immunization campaigns, and sexual and reproductive healthcare. The aim is to achieve universal health coverage, and provide access to safe and affordable medicines and vaccines for all. Supporting research and development for vaccines is an essential part of this process as well.
Agents, It's Your Turn!
Agents, your mission today is to allow yourself to have an experience that brings you genuine happiness.
Genuine happiness has nothing to do with our image, our status, or our money. Rather, it comes from a sense of being deeply connected to others. We also feel it when we are in a state of "flow", a state of being fully engaged in an activity that we love to do while we are being challenged to grow in new and exciting ways. And we experience genuine happiness when we feel that we are part of something bigger than ourselves, and that we feel we are giving back to the world with our gifts!
We each deserve to experience all of these conditions for genuine happiness!
As you reveal the power of happiness in your life, remember to report your experiences on the Compassion Report Map to inspire others around the world!
Good luck, Agents!
P.S. If you wish to do so you can support the work of Gratitude Revealed, our featured Champion of Compassion, to spread their remarkable work toward global unity with others!
Sponsors of the Global Unity Games!
The Global Unity Games are made possible by the incredible support of Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics and Seattle Chocolates! |
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