Thursday, September 22, 2016

Agents, we’ve been on quite the adventure on our quest to bring unity and compassion to the One Human Family!
For our final mission, let us reflect on where we’ve been over these past 11 days during the Global Unity Games!

We began by looking through the lens of our DNA and realizing that every person on Mother Earth is actually our dear relative. We learned that we each share ancestors in the ancient past, and that biologically speaking, there is no such thing as race. We are One Human Family!

We then started to prepare ourselves to be the best member of the Global Village we could be. And that journey began within us, inMission #0, with gratitude!

Mission #1:

In Mission #1, we explored the simple power of mindfulness, and how simply slowing down gives us the ability to be aware of life’s flows and rhythms.

Mission #2:

In Mission #2, we explored the power of our creativity, and realized we were each creative geniuses within our own right.

Mission #3:

In Mission #3, we explored the power of wonder, and found ways to make the “stars” in our everyday lives noticeable and brilliant once again.

Mission #4:

In Mission #4, we explored the power of generosity, and realized we were each part of the “superorganism” of the Human Family.

Mission #5:

In Mission #5, we explored the power of happiness, and realized that if we can treat illness, we can also understand and promote the vital qualities of wellness for ourselves and others.

Mission #6:

In Mission #6, we explored the power of patience, and realized that like a growing plant who cannot grow faster if it’s stalk are tugged, we each deserve patience to grow and flourish.

Mission #7:

In Mission #7, we explored the power of connection, and realized that connection is to a human being what sunlight is to a flower.

Mission #8:

In Mission #8, we explored the power of courage, realizing that fear teaches us how much we love our lives, but courage teaches us how to fully live it.

Mission #9:

In Mission #9, we explored the power of purpose, and how to intuitively get in tune with our “North Stars” that lead us into our unique purpose.

Mission #10:

In Mission #10, we explored the power of love, and realized at the end of the day, love and compassion will always win.

Which leads us to today, Agents, the final day of the Global Unity Games, a day of reflection, sharing, and celebration.

Today, dear Agents, our friends Oprah Winfrey and Louie Schwartzberg will help us conclude our journey with a story about revealing gratitude.

Champions of Compassions

Tune into the Global Unity Telesummit hosted by the Shift Network for the final day of the 11 Days of Global Unity!

Today’s Telesummit features Monica Willard around the final theme, Peace!

Register to join in on the Telesummit for free here!

Today marks Day 11, the final day of the Compassion Relay!

Team International Day of Peace has received the torch from Compassionate Louisville! We owe so much to the UN's initiative for the International Day of Peace for bringing the momentum and vision needed to achieve Global Unity in our lifetime.

Find out more about the vital work of
these remarkable Champions of Compassions here!

UN's Sustainable Development Goal:

Peace, Justice, & Strong Institutions

The SDGs aim to significantly reduce all forms of violence, and work with governments and communities to find lasting solutions to conflict and insecurity. Strengthening the rule of law and promoting human rights is key to this process, as is reducing the flow of illicit arms and strengthening the participation of developing countries in the institutions of global governance. 
Peace, Justice, & Strong Institutions is one of 17 Global Goals that make up the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to achieve the global unity that we seek.

Learn more about the targets for this Goal here.

Agents, It's Your Turn!

Reflect on the journey you’ve had over the last 11 days and how your experiences lay the thriving foundation for global unity. How did your reflections and actions impact yourself, others, and the planet?  Some days it was really good to be connected to the games, the videos, and the good news in our lives.  Others, due to extra time needed, it felt a little overwhelming.  It was especially hard when people and life challenges became hurdles.  Thank you for being there and all the tools you provided, some of which I did not have time to even open.
Share your experiences on the Compassion Report Map to store them in a type of living time-capsule, and as a way to inspire countless other human relatives who are working toward the same healing of our One Human Family that you are.

Thank you for your commitment to our One Human Family, Agents, and all that you do!

Thank you!
P.S. If you wish to do so you can support the work of the International Day of Peace, our featured Champion of Compassion, to spread their remarkable work toward global unity with others!

Sponsors of the Global Unity Games!

The Global Unity Games are made possible by the incredible support of Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics and Seattle Chocolates!

View All Past Missions!

For Reflection: Before you move on to Mission #10, reflect on yesterday's mission. What was it like to honor an experience of purpose in your life? I want Peace to Prevail in my heart, my community, on earth.  The latest news on Peace Day are new violence and division.  Ironically, even at my school, "Stranger Danger" drill was scheduled on Peace Day.  

Was the idea of "True North" a helpful metaphor for you in thinking about your purpose? I did not have time to think much about it, therefore, I guess not really.  Too many things to take care before Peace Day

How might you make decisions in your life to honor and live into your True North?  Slow down.  Organize better.  Connect to people's passions.  Listen!  Keep on playing the compassion games!

Share your reflections on the Compassion Report Map!
“At the end of the day, love and compassion will win.”
-Terry Waite

Our tenth mission, Agents, is to unleash the unequivocal power of love.

Today, dear Agents, our friends Oprah Winfrey and Louie Schwartzberg have something special in store for us. It is a story of such sweet, pure poetry and light that it can only speak for itself.

Champions of Compassions

Tune into the Global Unity Telesummit hosted by the Shift Network for the tenth day of the 11 Days of Global Unity!

Today’s Telesummit features William Hartung around the tenth theme, Disarmament!

Register to join in on the Telesummit for free here!

Tomorrow’s final Telesummit features speaker Monica Willard around the theme of Peace!
Today marks Day 10 of the Compassion Relay!

Team Compassionate Louisville - which includes the Muhammed Ali Center, Festival of Faiths, Service for Peace, Global Game Changers, and Mayor Greg Fischer - have received the Compassion Torch from the United Religion's Initiative! What a powerhouse of unity between so many amazing organizations and people!

Team Compassionate Louisville with its incredibly strong lineup of allies is bringing the vision of a culture of compassion and global unity to the world in awe-inspiring ways.

Find out more about the vital work of
these remarkable Champions of Compassions here!

UN's Sustainable Development Goal:

Sustainable Cities & Communities
More than half of the world’s population now live in urban areas. By 2050, that figure will have risen to 6.5 billion people – two-thirds of all humanity. Sustainable development cannot be achieved without significantly transforming the way we build and manage our urban spaces. Making cities safe and sustainable means ensuring access to safe and affordable housing, and upgrading slum settlements. It also involves investment in public transport, creating green public spaces, and improving urban planning and management in a way that is both participatory and inclusive. 
Sustainable Cities & Communities is one of 17 Global Goals that make up the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to achieve the global unity that we seek.

Learn more about the targets for this Goal here.

Agents, It's Your Turn!

Our mission today, Agents, is to contemplate all the types of love there are in your life, and then commit a compassionate act to honor them.

Although there is only one word for love, it takes many forms. There islove for a romantic partner, love for our children, and love for our parents. There is a type of love we have for our brothers, and a love for our sisters, and a love for our friends. There is even love for the natural world, and for animals and plants, and even a love for ourselves. Yet each of these loves have different hues and unique textures, and inspire us in uniquely beautiful ways.

Contemplate how these loves are similar to one another today, and also unique. Then, commit a compassionate act to honor as many of these types of love as you can!

As you reveal the power of love, remember to report your experiences on the Compassion Report Map to inspire others around the world!
Good luck, Agents!

P.S. If you wish to do so you can support the work of the Compassionate Louisville and their friends, our featured Champions of Compassion, to spread their remarkable work toward global unity with others!

Sponsors of the Global Unity Games!

The Global Unity Games are made possible by the incredible support of Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics and Seattle Chocolates!

View All Past Missions!

It's never too late to revisit past or missed missions to find inspiration for igniting compassion and unity for the world!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

For Reflection: Before you move on to Mission #9, reflect on yesterday's mission. How was it to identify your own Comfort Zone, and discover places where fear might be holding you within it?
I am not very courageous because I am comfortable with peace and facing fears is confronting your weaknesses.
How did it feel to identify a fear that you felt capable of sitting with, and working toward overcoming this fear in your Stretch Zone? A stretch because I entered an unknown territory and encountered relationship challenges.   Do you feel more capable and courageous  to face more of your fears? Not really.   Share your reflections on the Compassion Report Map!
“It is what you read when you don't have to that determines what you will be when you can't help it.”
-Oscar Wilde

Our ninth mission, Agents, is to tune in to the power of our purpose.
Purpose is the experience of being truly alive. It is where our unique gifts meet unwavering clarity about why we are here on this Earth, and what we feel we were born to do.
It is the key to a long, healthy, and fulfilling life.

Yet purpose is often difficult for us to identify. In today’s world we are presented with a million choices and a million distractions, and in the midst of this cacophony we may not know where to look to find our purpose.
And if you don’t know what your purpose is yet, at whatever age you are, Agents, this is perfectly okay!

The experiencing of one’s purpose is unmistakable; there is nofeeling like it in the world. It is, as some call it, our True North, like the magnetic needle of a compass. Our personal compass does not operate with magnetism, however, but with intuition. An internal, gut feeling that will show us our direction. Our True North points the way, but it is up to us to traverse the mountains and valleys that life presents to us to achieve our goals.

Agents, each of us can learn to recognize and trust our internal True North! The path will not be easy, but it will be the most worthwhile path of all!

In the following video, Agents Oprah Winfrey and Louie Schwartzberg will guide us through the mystery and science behind purpose.

Champions of Compassions

Tune into the Global Unity Telesummit hosted by the Shift Network for the ninth day of the 11 Days of Global Unity!

Today’s Telesummit features Audri Scott Williams around the ninth theme, Freedom!

Register to join in on the Telesummit for free here!

Tomorrow’s Telesummit features speaker William Hartung around the theme of Disarmament!
Today marks Day 9 of the Compassion Relay!

Team United Religion's Initiative has received the Compassion Torch from the Parliament of the World's Religions! What an act of unity between two friendly interfaith rivals!

The United Religion's Initiative is equally bringing the vision and reality of interfaith harmony to the world at a time when it needs it most.

Find out more about the vital work of
this remarkable Champions of Compassion here!

UN's Sustainable Development Goal:

Quality Education
Achieving inclusive and quality education for all reaffirms the belief that education is one of the most powerful and proven vehicles for sustainable development. This goal ensures that all girls and boys complete free primary and secondary schooling by 2030. It also aims to provide equal access to affordable vocational training, to eliminate gender and wealth disparities, and achieve universal access to a quality higher education.
Providing Quality Education for all is one of 17 Global Goals that make up the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to achieve the global unity that we seek.

Learn more about the targets for this Goal here.

Agents, It's Your Turn!

Our mission today, Agents, is to reflect back on a time where we felt we were in alignment with our True North, and then do an action today that honors it.

Perhaps you can write a letter to your future self as a reminder of what your True North might be. You can even write a letter to your younger self, offering guidance and wisdom that you feel would have been useful to you at that age. You can spend time with an activity that you feel is aligned with your purpose, or share the experience with another. Maybe you want to write down ideas that have been calling to you for some time as the first step in acting toward them.

What we need today more than ever, Agents, are people who are awake to their purpose and are fully alive. This is undoubtedly good for our Global Village, and for the One Human Family!

As you reveal the power of purpose, remember to report your experiences on the Compassion Report Map to inspire others around the world!
Good luck, Agents!

P.S. If you wish to do so you can support the work of the United Religion's Initiative, our featured Champion of Compassion, to spread their remarkable work toward global unity with others!

Sponsors of the Global Unity Games!

The Global Unity Games are made possible by the incredible support of Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics and Seattle Chocolates!

View All Past Missions!

It's never too late to revisit past or missed missions to find inspiration for igniting compassion and unity for the world!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

For Reflection: Before you move on to Mission #8, reflect on yesterday's mission. Do you feel that experiencing authentic connection is a primary driver for you in life?  How might you cultivate more genuine connection in your day to day life? How might you honor it? 
I think so. We are not isolated beings, we actualize ourselves in connection with others.  Anything we do becomes better when we connect to others with clarity and connect to their gifts.  "You are the other me.  I am the other you"; an important thought I gathered from my time with the wonderful Buddhist Shinnyo-en Foundation.  The two sentences are simple, but they are hard to turn them into daily actions with empowering everyday kindness.  We challenge people and people challenge us in the best of circumstances.  It is how we react and connect that shows our character and our integrity.  
 Share your reflections on the Compassion Report Map!
“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear,
not absence of fear.”

-Mark Twain

Our eighth mission, Agents, is to confront fear, and unleash the power of our courage.
All the great surprises in store for us in our life exist in the realm of the unknown. And the unknown can be a truly terrifying place…

This is because each and every one of us possesses our own “comfort zone.” Our comfort zone is the place where we feel safe, far away from our fears. Our comfort zones even determine what we believe ourselves to be capable of.

Yet the perimeter of our comfort zones are actually defined by fear, and life does not allow us to live in our comfort zones for long. Like the shell of a hermit crab, we outgrow our comfort zones and must seek out more expanded, more beautiful versions of ourselves to live our lives fully.

Life inevitably challenges us: if fear overtakes us, we shrink into a shell that doesn’t quite fit us anymore, and our comfort zones become uncomfortable and unfulfilling.

But Agents, if we are able to respond with courage, we can enter into a space known as our “stretch zones,” a healthy place between the security of our old comforts and the fear of the unknown. When we are stretching ourselves in this place, we can experience the exhilaration of accomplishing more than we thought we were capable of, mastering our fears with the power of courage.

In the following video, Agents Oprah Winfrey and Louie Schwartzberg will guide us through the mystery and science behind courage.

Champions of Compassions

Tune into the Global Unity Telesummit hosted by the Shift Network for the eighth day of the 11 Days of Global Unity!

Today’s Telesummit features Gabriela Quntanilla around the eighth theme, Human Rights!

Register to join in on the Telesummit for free here!

Tomorrow’s Telesummit features speaker Audri Scott Williams around the theme of Freedom!
Today marks Day 8 of the Compassion Relay!

Team Parliament of the World's Religions has received the Compassion Torch from the Dalai Lama Fellows, Jane Goodall, and Chief Phil Lane Jr.!

The Parliament of the World's Religions is bringing the vision of interfaith harmony to the world at this incredible time.

Find out more about the vital work of
this remarkable Champions of Compassion here!

UN's Sustainable Development Goal:

Reduced Income Inequalities
Income inequality is a global problem that requires global solutions. This involves improving the regulation and monitoring of financial markets and institutions, encouraging development assistance and foreign direct investment to regions where the need is greatest. Facilitating the safe migration and mobility of people is also key to bridging the widening divide. 
Reducing Income Inequalities is one of 17 Global Goals that make up the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to achieve the global unity that we seek.

Learn more about the targets for this Goal here.

Agents, It's Your Turn!

Our mission today, Agents, is to acknowledge one of our fears, and with courage, move toward overcoming it.

There are many kinds of fears; they are not all created equal. Some fears are so intimidating that they make us shrink away from life and panic. Even these fears are meant to protect us.

For today, however, pick a smaller fear, one that you feel stretched to think about, but not panicked. Maybe you are afraid of being vulnerable with others, or asking for help when you need it. Whatever it is, acknowledge it in your heart.

Then, in whatever way you feel inspired to, make an action today that you feel moves you closer to overcoming this fear. Remember that fear reminds us how much we love our life, but courage is what allows us to actually live it! It is your birthright to overcome the fears of your life.

As you reveal the power of courage, remember to report your experiences on the Compassion Report Map to inspire others around the world!
Good luck, Agents!

P.S. If you wish to do so you can support the work of the Parliament of World's Religions, our featured Champion of Compassion, to spread their remarkable work toward global unity with others!

Sponsors of the Global Unity Games!

The Global Unity Games are made possible by the incredible support of Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics and Seattle Chocolates!

View All Past Missions!

It's never too late to revisit past or missed missions to find inspiration for igniting compassion and unity for the world!