Thursday, December 10, 2015

Mission 10: : Give Change

Reflect On Yesterday's Mission

Before moving on to your tenth mission, take a moment to reflect on the last mission. What was it like to take time to think and care about those who are not feeling well? If you were away sick, how would it make you feel knowing others are thinking about you and concerned about your well-being? To relate to or feel another’s suffering with the desire to alleviate their pain is the essence of compassion. In what other areas of your life do you feel compassion for others?

I had a huge lesson in compassion from the three teachers who have dedicated their lives to empowering  life with meaning to refugee children from around the world providing them with a safe place where to find healing and purpose.   It is a school where life and human dignity come in balance with knowledge and skills for a happy productive life.  Thank you Mrs. Seitter and Mrs. Pardue for introducing me to New Land Academy
Your tenth mission, Agents, is to collect change for a meaningful cause!
You can use the #GivingTuesday Helping Hands Penny Project as a way to make your change jar. Then, decide together as a group or class which cause you want to raise money for. (You can choose from the featured projects listed below, or any cause that is meaningful to you!)

Giving Games Featured Projects: The Giving Games has partnered with the Charter for Compassion International to bring you four featured projects, each centered on helping fellow youth around the globe. If you choose to do so, work with your youth to select one of these projects to focus on during the Games, or other projects they feel drawn to give to! Learn more about the featured projects here!
Agents, remember... As you fulfill your mission, share your experiences on theCompassion Report Map! Your report inspires others, amplifying the power of your compassion and generosity!

For Teachers/Parents/Mentors:


All 11 Missions are available to be viewed here. Use this sneak peak as a way to plan ahead, or to review previous or missed missions.

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