Saturday, December 5, 2015

Mission 1; The Giving Oath with Reflection

Secret Agents of Compassion, are you there?
We have important information for you from Agent HQ...

A great power has just been discovered that can help heal the world to make it a far kinder, safer, and better place. This power is called “compassion”, and amazingly, it lives within you!

Compassion is a power that gives you incredible strength to care for others, yourself, and even the Earth. And, the more you use compassion by showing kindness to others, and by sharing, helping, listening, and learning, the stronger you become as the compassion within you grows! 

Agents, the world needs you and your compassion more than ever. Are you ready to unleash your power and become a Secret Agent of Compassion?
If so, prepare yourself for your first mission… the Giving Oath!
Your first mission, Agents, is to take the Giving Oath.
Repeat after me:

I, (say your name), playfully promise to shine my light, happiness, and compassion to help the whole world. Over the next 11 days of the Giving Games, I promise to look for ways to care for others, the Earth, the animals, and even myself. I recognize the awesome power of compassion that lives within me and all of us. I accept my responsibility as an Agent of Compassion, and promise to use my power to create good in the world!
You have accepted your oath as an Agent of Compassion!

I learned that I do NOT Walk the Talk, I need to work a lot to have integrity in my thoughts and actions if I say I believe and practice
 “True compassion is more than flinging a coin to a begger; it comes to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs restructuring.” And I would add that part of that restructuring includes MYSELF

Share your experiences as you look for and fulfill ways to care for others, yourself, and the Earth on the Compassion Report Map to amplify your power!

May the Giving Games begin! Game on!

Going Deeper:

You can give this Mission a boost by signing the Charter for Compassionate Schools as a group or class!

Read the Charter and sign it here!

For Teachers/Parents/Mentors:

If you were asked to rank in order of importance academic achievement, happiness, and care for others as priorities for our young people today, how would you respond? A recent Harvard study of 10,000 middle and high school students revealed that the vast majority of these young people believe their parents and teachers value personal success over caring for others. Fortunately, and ironically, this wasn’t what most parents and teachers actually believed! As a teacher, parent, or mentor, how can you “walk the talk” and demonstrate the importance of empathy and compassion to your students?

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