Saturday, September 17, 2016

For Reflection: Before you move on to Mission #4, reflect on yesterday's mission. Where did wonder call to you from? What did it feel like to experience states of wonder, and was it easier or more challenging that you thought to experience it?
I videotaped a dance/Spanish teacher with her students.  It was like looking at a marvelous natural wonder.  In a few short minutes, she had them dancing for peace...One heart, One beat, a few steps...PEACE
I did not think I was experiencing it until I answer this question.  These games are making me focus on these experiences and I richer for being involved in them.

How might allowing yourself to experience wonder more often benefit your life and others? 
It is rewarding and I am sure my 4 major chemicals in the brain that influence our happiness increased (DOSE) Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, and Endorphins. h.  I will try to be more proactive at doing it.  I will have better physical and mental health and might, just might slow a bit the natural wonder of the aging process.

Share your reflections on the Compassion Report Map!
Our fourth mission, Agents, is to unleash the power of generosity for the benefit of the Global Village and our well-being.
Agents, what comes to your mind when you think of the humble bumble bee, our friendly pollinator extraordinaire?

You may think of the bee as a him, but you would be immediately mistaken! Most people may not realize that the pollinators we see among wildflowers or in our gardens are actually all hard-working females. So let’s try again…

You may think of her black and white stripes, or the bumbling way she flies through the air. You might think about how she collects nectar and pollen going from flower to flower, and how they each become her food, like honey. But Agents, there is so much more to our friend, the bumble bee.

Because in fact, it doesn’t really make sense to think of a bee in terms of her individually. A bee may look like an individual insect, but she is actually part of a super-organism, known as a hive. Without her hive, our friendly bee literally could not survive. Each bee in her hive has a vital role to play to ensure the hive can survive and thrive as one, unified super-organism!

In essence, each bee must give their gifts generously to ensure every bee can live, just like our lungs breath the oxygen the heart beats, providing the nutrients to every cell in our bodies.

Yet can we really stop defining a bee at the limits of her hive? A hive would be nothing without their one and only source of food, the nectar and pollen that comes from flowers. And fascinatingly, flowers - and the plants they grow from - would not be able to survive and reproduce without pollinators, such as bees, transmitting their pollen from flower to flower!

It's a win-win relationship! Through mutual acts of generosity, both bees and flowers get what they need! Flowers provide generous amounts of nectar and pollen, and bees, without fail, take some for themselves while moving the rest from flower to flower.

In the following video, Agents Oprah Winfrey and Louie Schwartzberg will guide us through the mystery and science behind generosity.

Champions of Compassions

Tune into the Global Unity Telesummit hosted by the Shift Network for the third day of the 11 Days of Global Unity!

Today’s Telesummit features Tavis Smiley around the fourth theme, Economic Justice!

Register to join in on the Telesummit for free here!

Tomorrow’s Telesummit features speaker Ocean Robins around the theme of Health.

Today marks Day 4 of the Compassion Relay!

Team Greater Good Science Center has received the Compassion Torch from CCARE at Stanford! The Greater Good Science Center is bringing world-changing research toward understanding individual happiness, compassion, strong social bonding, and altruistic behavior.

Read about the remarkable work of
the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkley here!

UN's Sustainable Development Goal:

Decent Work and Economic Growth

Over the past 25 years the number of workers living in extreme poverty has declined dramatically, despite the lasting impact of the 2008 economic crisis and global recession. In developing countries, the middle class now makes up more than 34 percent of total employment – a number that has almost tripled between 1991 and 2015.
Providing Decent Work and Economic Growth is one of 17 Global Goals that make up the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to achieve the global unity that we seek.

Learn more about the targets for this Goal here.

Agents, It's Your Turn!

Human beings are a lot like bees. We cannot survive on our own, but together, we are a super-organism.

Today, think of all the roles other people or other forces of nature play in your life that you depend on to live. Did you make your clothes? What about the food you eat, did you grow it? We each depend upon so many others for our ability to even meet our most basic needs!

Agents, our mission today is to be generous to others with our time, attention, and deed in honor of our interdependence to one another. Knowing that our actions can lead to making a huge big impact on another's day, commit an act of generosity in a way you otherwise wouldn't think to. It could be as small as complimenting someone else's kindness or personality, to giving away some of your possessions to others.

As you reveal the power of generosity in your life, remember to report your experiences on the Compassion Report Map to inspire others around the world!
Good luck, Agents!

P.S. If you wish to do so you can support the work of the Greater Good Science Center, our featured Champion of Compassion, to spread their remarkable work toward global unity with others!

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