Monday, December 5, 2016

The Giving Games: Youth and Schools Pay it Forward started on November 29th, are you playing?

Dear Agents of Compassion,

Our time has come! The Giving Games kick off tomorrow on November 29th with the arrival of #GivingTuesday, and our efforts to nourish a culture of compassion and care for our Earth has never been greater.

Together in the Games we will protect our land and water by standing with and praying for Water Protectors at Standing Rock and other Sacred Sites around the globe. We will come together to “Build a Global Fire,” a featured way to play in the Giving Games where Agents will take videos or photos of their own fire, sharing what they are thankful for as well as their intentions for the world, and sharing them throughout social media. As our Global Fire grows, we will culminate the Games in an online Global Wopida, an Oceti Sakowin Thanksgiving Ceremony led by Chief Arvol Looking Horse, Chief Phil Lane Jr., and Faith Spotted Eagle.

And of course, throughout these featured events Teams and Players will commit acts of generosity and service to keep alive the spirit of giving.
Are you with us, friends and relatives?

How to Participate:
Pray with Standing Rock & Build a Global Fire!

Hundreds unified at the front lines of Standing Rock to pray with the Water, the Earth, and a global community of supporters in over 1,000 locations around the world.
Join us for the next global synchronized prayer with Standing Rock on December 4th at 10am Central Time, and again on December 10th for the Global Wopida!

During the Giving Games, we will “Build a Global Fire” that asks Agents of Compassion and all allies to...
  1. Light an honoring flame (such as a candle), then...
  2. Take a video (or photo) stating what you are grateful for, and sharing what your intentions are for the human family.
Participants will then share their creation on social media with the hashtag #GlobalFire on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and the Compassion Report Map!
When: 11/29 through 12/10
Where: Everywhere All At Once
Why: Solidarity to Protect Mother Earth

A Global Compassion Relay is On!

If one lights a fire for others, it will also brighten one’s own way.

The Compassion Relays pass the “Compassion Torch” to Champions of Compassion around Mother Earth, with the message to invite all members of the Human Family to play together in unprecedented, unified action in the upcoming Giving Games.

The global Compassion Torch was lit on November 7th in Morocco at the COP 22 Climate Action Conference. Hereditary Chief Phil Lane Jr. and H.H. Dr. Abdul Aziz Al Nuaimi (the “Green Sheik”) held a torch lighting ceremony with youth representatives from 18 countries of the BlueYouth Initiative.

Chief Phil is was en route from North America, after meeting with Indigenous Youth and Elders of the American Indian Science and Engineering Society, to Panama City, where he brought the light of compassion to the closing ceremony of the international Peace and Dignity Runs.

Next, Chief Phil headed to California to pass the torch to Stevie Wonder, Reverend Michael Beckwith, and thousands of youth at the Agape International Spiritual Center.

From there, the torch made its way to Standing Rock to support the Water Protectors in North Dakota.

The torch will arrive in New York City at the 92nd St. Y tomorrow, on November 29th, for the start of #GivingTuesday, and will continue through December 10th on Human Rights Day for the final event: the global Wopila Ceremony!


Support the Giving Games!

The Compassion Games will always be free to play, but it is the contributions from folks like you that help us offer the Games to countless Agents of Compassion around the world.
The world is calling for a compassionate response to the challenges we face. You make a difference. We invite you to play!
Game on!

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