Agents of Compassion...
We've officially made it to the World Peace Weekend!
During both days of the World Peace Weekend (September 23-24), Compassion Games partner, UNIFY, is hosting Global Synchronized Meditations as a direct expression of the New Story of our time. Together, millions of people around the world will synchronize their minds through the power of meditation, holding within our collective spirit the vision of a peaceful, prosperous, unified Human Family.
Together we will unify over 2,000 communities around the world to engage in synchronized meditations and peace-actions. The collective ripple-effect of our intention and action will inspire compassionate acts and service projects, and will be visualized on our world-wide interactive Event Peace Map. By illuminating these events and activities we are creating opportunities for learning, sharing, and connecting.
Agents, take a moment to view the Event Peace Map, and try to identify meditations happening near you that you can attend!
If there aren't any events near you, you can host your own or simply meditate from wherever you are!