Agents, our ninth and final mission is to reflect, celebrate, and share the journey and the outcomes of our unprecedented, unified action!
“The spiritual foundation of this Call for Urgent, Unprecedented, and Unified Action is based in the understanding of the fundamental oneness and unity of all life… Since we are all part of the Sacred Circle of Life we are all Indigenous Peoples of our Mother Earth. This makes every Human Being responsible for the well-being of one another and for all living things upon our Mother Earth.”
-Hereditary Chief Phil Lane Jr.
Compassion Games Chairperson
Agents, what a journey we’ve been on these past 9 days together!
Loving seven generations, we walked in nature and were mindful of what impact our actions may have in a thousand years.
Mission #2: We loved water by appreciating its precious value, and found ways to save as much as possible in our gratitude.
Mission #3:
Loving food, we cooked a meal for our loved ones and shared with them the nourishment of Mother Earth.
Mission #4:
By loving energy, we realized the power within ourselves and found ways to be more like plants by saving energy and transitioning to renewable energies.
Mission #5:
In loving wisdom we reclaimed our birthright of wholeness, and found ways to connect with others while reducing our waste.
Mission #6:
Through the love of Earth service, we committed ourselves to Serve the Earth...
Mission #7:
...and by loving community, we stepped into our roles as good stewards through compassionate action.
Mission #8:
And, through our love of this world - our Mother Earth - we celebrated the places we love that make us who we are.
Today, Agents, is a day of reflection, sharing, and celebration. You are part of a very important group of change agents in the world at this time, and we want to honor all that you’ve done and will continue to do to protect all life!
Reflect on the journey you’ve had over the last 9 days and the impact you had on yourself, others, and the planet. Share your experiences on the Compassion Report Map to store them in a type of time-capsule, and as a way to inspire countless other human relatives who are working toward the same healing of our planet that you are.
Life stirs within each of us. It wants to thrive, heal, and grow. And it is doing so through you.
Thank you for your commitment to our one and only planet, Agents.
Thank you!
Final Mission Reports are Due by Saturday, April 30th!
Agents, our eighth mission is to honor a natural place that we love and awaken our commitment to caring for Mother Earth.
As natural as breathing, human beings protect what we love; our family, our friends, our children. This love inspires us each day upon waking with thankfulness in our hearts, and this love motivates us to do anything for the well-being, safety, and happiness of our loves ones.Today more than ever, Mother Earth needs our love, too. Awakening our innate love for Mother Earth is critical if we are to rise up to the challenge of protecting and restoring her. By protecting and caring for Mother Earth, our loved ones can have clean, healthy water to drink, and wholesome food to nourish their bodies. They can grow up to inherit a home that can sustain their lives and inspire their spirits. Agents, today is all about loving our Earth. For today’s mission, take a photo of a place that you love in the natural world, and post it to the Compassion Report Map with a brief story describing its significance to you!
Your favorite place could be near a creek, where the sun glitters off the surface, mesmerizing your heart.
Or, it could be a forest path you often take, full of mystery and hidden wonder.
Maybe it’s even your own backyard, where time stands still as you sit and watch the seasons unfold before your eyes!
Show the Earth your love by celebrating your love for the places that make you feel connected and whole!
Each day during Earth Week, the Compassion Torch will be passed to a different Champion of Compassion. For Day 8 of the Earth Week, we are deeply grateful to pass the Compassion Torch from #DecarbonizeBlueYouth to 2020orBust!
The world has many challenges,and with each of these challenges comes an opportunity to be moved into action. The problems in the world can seem overwhelming to us, like nothing we do can help things get better. But Agents, this is not true! If each of us simply do our small but significant part - and do it together - we can create unbelievable change right here in our own communities!
Agents, Earth Month is a time of action! Let us be moved by our love for Mother Earth and support a service project that will help build more resilient, regenerative communities around the world. (If you have not already found a service project, see the available event resource below!)
Have fun while giving back to the Earth and bettering your community! Invite your friends and family to join you!
Agents, remember... As you fulfill your mission today, share your experiences on the Compassion Report Map! Your report inspires others, amplifying the power of your compassion and generosity!
Find an Earth Month Event!Use the Earth Day Network global event map to find an event in your area! Literally thousands of events are taking place around the world, so there is bound to be one near you. Are you organizing an event? You can add it to the map, too.Find an Event Here!
Each day during Earth Week, the Compassion Torch will be passed to a different Champion of Compassion. For Day 7 of the Earth Week, we are thrilled to pass the Compassion Torch from Earth Gratitude to the youthful tour de force, #DecarbonizeBlueYouth!